According to grapevine, director Sreenu Vaitla has not liked Mahesh Babu’s blockbuster Srimanthudu. Film nagar buzz has it that the Dookudu director was not impressed with Mahesh’s latest offing which received accolades unanimously and set cash registers ringing at the ticket windows.
The fans of superstar Mahesh are deeply upset disappointed that Sreenu did not have time to tweet about out-and-out family entertainer Srimanthudu, but tweeted on Chiranjeevi’s cameo in his current film with Ram Charan. This is not all. Also it’s heard that Sreenu didn’t make it to Srimanthudu Thank You function despite invitation. Even Sreenu didn’t give his bytes hinting that he is not in a mood to appreciate Srimanthudu success.
Naturally, fans of superstar are expressing their anguish on Sreenu on social platforms. Looks like, Sreenu landed himself in a spot by inviting flak from Mahesh’s humongous fans. Will Sreenu break his silence on Srimanthudu that stood highest grossing Telugu film only next to Baahubali?