There are those who are feeling super happy with the entry of Sridevi’s daughter Jhanvi Kapoor into films. Already she has wrapped up the shooting of “Sairat” remake “Dhadak”, and the film will be released anytime soon.
Recently Jhanvi spoke with a media house to reveal that she’s happy that her mother Sridevi has seen the rushes of her debut film. Jhanvi said that Sridevi felt very happy but she was actually worried about her daughter’s badly set eyebrow and also the way she enacted in certain scenes. Sridevi advised Jhanvi to focus more on acting.Also Jhanvi revealed that Sri always loved her daughters to marry and settle down rather coming into films. “Mom felt that I’m not thick skinned to become an actress but she felt that Kushi will do well in films” said Jhanvi.
All these words are not going well with some fans of the late actress. They feel that if Sridevi’s kids speak about their mother this way, then everyone believes that the iconic lady never loved her kids to come into film industry. Some felt that if Jhanvi’s mom doesn’t wanted her to come into acting, why would she allow her to debut on silver screen anyway?
Anyway, Sridevi is Jhanvi’s mom and she has all the rights to talk about her mother. And if anyone is feeling wrong for that, it’s their problem.