If the latest reports are to be believed, Sridevi’s elder daughter Jhanvi Kapoor has rejected a Mahesh Babu film. Yes!You heard it right! According to reports, director AR Murugadoss was keen on launching Jhanvi with Mahesh Babu and even got a go-ahead from Jhanvi’s parents Sridevi and Boney Kapoor. But Jhanvi didn’t approve of the same because turns out she still thinks she is not ready for her big screen debut.
A source close to Sridevi said that Sridevi and Boney would want to make a grand announcement about their daughter’s debut, whether in Bollywood or Tollywood. Jhanvi is currently also busy taking her acting classes at Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute in Los Angeles.
Meanwhile, Mahesh Babu’s forthcoming film with Murugudoss started its regular shooting today. The makers are planning to release in January 2017.