Veteran actress Sridevi and Boney Kapoor’s elder daughter Janhvi Kapoor is undoubtedly one of the fashion divas in Bollywood. Even before her debut, the beauty has always made it into the news with her outfits.
Whether it is a traditional outfit or her gym wear, the actress never fails to enthrall the audience with her hot beauty. But not all the days are the same and Janhvi Kapoor is getting trolled for the first time. She recently appeared on the cover of the Cosmopolitan India magazine. Wearing a holographic effect piece by Purple Paisley, Janvi flaunted her toned legs and also sported a new and interesting hairstyle. Now, this picture of her has been receiving lukewarm from the netizens.
Some of the netizens are criticizing Janhvi on the issue of plagiarism as the outfit is a copy of Balmain’s FW 18 holographic outfit collection. Though Janhvi might not have done it intentionally, the poor actress is currently getting targeted by the netizens.