Sridevi and Boney Kapoor’s elder daughter Janhvi Kapoor has melted the hearts of millions with her touching post. Janhvi, who lost her mother earlier this year in Dubai. While who’s who of Bollywood have been taking to their social media accounts and sharing their pics with their moms, Janhvi posted an emotional post on her Twitter page.
Sridevi will receive a special salute for her contribution to cinema on May 16 at the ongoing Cannes Film Festival 2018. It will be part of an event, Titan Reginald F. Lewis Film Honours (a celebration of diversity and excellence in cinema), at Le Majestic Beach, Cannes Film Festival 2018.
Earlier she also won this year’s National Film Awards honour. Sridevi posthumously won the Best Actress award for her role as an avenging mother in the Hindi film Mom (2017).