Srikanth Addala who wielded megaphone for the biggest multistarer movie of this decade, Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu had wrapped up the promotional activity of the movie and had already began working on the script of his next movie. Our sources reveal that the movie will be tentatively titled ‘Gollabhama’. Gollabhama is the Telugu word of Grass Hopper. Srikanth Addala is one director who selects interesting titles for his movie. Both his movies – Kotha Bangaru Lokam and Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu have become point of discussion when their titles are announced.
However we are yet to know the casting details of the movie. Few days ago we have a news that Srikanth is going to direct a film introducing Mega brother Naga Babu’s son Varun Tej. We will have to see if ‘Gollabhama’ is the title of that project!