Everyone knows family hero Srikanth is the die hard fan of Mega Star Chiranjeevi. He fulfilled his dream of acting with Chiru, by making his presence felt when he shared the screen presence with Megastar in ‘Shankar Dada Zindabad’ and also in its sequel. Now much to the delight of Srikanth none other than Power Star Pawan Kalyan announced in full public gaze that Srikanth is one of the mega brothers.
The incident happened during the spectacular launch of Srikanth starrer ‘Devaraya’ audio launch. Recollecting his association with Srikanth, Power Star said Srikanth shares extremely good relationship with Megastar Chiranjeevi and Chiru always refers to Srikanth as his brother during his conversations with him. Pawan said Srikanth is like mega family member. This will be surely honey to Srikanth’s ears, as any person would be delighted to be associated in some form or the other with Mega Family.
Srikanth said Pawan used to be secluded and calm even in mega functions while he used to land at the venue and celebrate the occasion with full fervor and frenzy. He said he never expected and had his own doubts on Pawan gracing his film ‘Devaraya’ audio launch as Pawan did not even celebrate ‘Gabbar Singh’ success. However he delighted all making the function a grand one with his presence.