Decent family hero Srikanth’s ‘Veediki Dookudekkuva’ hit the screens recently. In connection with the movie’s release, his interviews were telecasted by the channels. Apart from revealing interesting details about ‘Veediki Dookudekkuva’, he disclosed about other projects of his. As we know, Srikanth is essaying an interesting role in Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s ‘Sarainodu’. Speaking about the movie, he revealed he was sporting Allu Arjun’s babai (paternal uncle) role in the movie.
Co-incidentally, Srikanth was also seen as Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s babai in ‘Govindhudu Andarivadele’. When the anchor quizzed him about Allu Arjun’s performance in ‘Sarainodu’, Srikanth said both Ram Charan and Allu Arjun are hard workers. ” Both of them are very keen at their work. They work with utmost dedication. Perhaps they learned it from Chiranjeevi garu. Not just Ram Charan and Allu Arjun, but fans like I also take inspiration from Chiranjeevi garu. I heard something great about the hard work of young mega heroes ( Varun Tej, Sai Dharam Tej) as well,” said Srikanth.