Srimanthudu Audio is all set to be launched this evening amidst Mahesh fans and industry bigwigs. The songs are already out on itunes and various websites for grabs.
Devi Sri Prasad, the Rockstar has come up with a winning album that is a mix of melodies and mass songs. All the songs are lyrically rich and bear the DSP mark on them.
Rama Rama and Jaago Jaago songs are instant chartbusters booming with energy. These songs are sure going to top the charts within no time.
Jatha Kalsise is a soothing melody that says a lot about the characterizations of the lead pair. Srimanthuda is a situational song with quality lyrics.
Charuseela is a beat oriented peppy number that will grow on you with each listening. Dimma Tirigipoddi is a typical DSP mass number. We have heard far better songs from Devi Sri Prasad in this category. This is neither instantly appealing nor completely bad. Just doesn’t live up to DSP standards.
On a whole Srimanthudu album is packed with crowd pleasing songs that can add value to the film’s commercial prospects.