King Khan Shah Rukh Khan, always has spread tons and tons of love through his movies and through his signature style wide stretched arms and tight hugs. A winner at almost all the film awards and an all in all entertainer. Shah Rukh is known for his pleasantries and cheesy compliments to the women of Bollywood. The other day he was again on stage to receive the “Most glamorous star male award” at Filmfare glamour and style awards. The evergreen super star Rekha was called upon stage to Present Shah Rukh with the award. Like the usual and the many encounters Shah Rukh and Rekha have exchanged in the very same scenarios, Shah Rukh went ahead and started saying nice things about her. In reply to something that Rekha said, Shah Rukh bluttered “No, no, getting award from you is my foreplay.” And that’s all to it, all of audience and Shah Rukh were baffled by what slipped off his tongue!!
It left the whole room in splits and Shah Rukh in embarrassment. Though he took few seconds to put himself together he immediately reconciled saying he did not mean it But the man of the show was Rekha who pulled the mike to announce that, “After 61 nothing matters.” Poor Shah Rukh, his love and intentions went a little overboard making it sound dirty although he provided his mark entertainment unknowingly!