Shah Rukh Khan who is popularly known as the Badshah of Bollywood has apparently cast a bizarre effect on one National Award winning filmmaker Janaki Vishwanathan. According to a leading daily, Janaki`s upcoming movie ‘Bakrapur’ has a goat named `Shah Rukh` as one of the main characters. “It`s a comic satire about a small boy and his goat,” Janaki said.
In justification of the goat`s name being Shah Rukh, she said “There is a tendency in rural India to name pets after superstars. We had a massive goat hunt in villages, where we checked out almost 400 bakras in markets before zeroing in on one which was called `Shah Rukh`!” Amusingly, “There were goats named after Salman Khan too there, but Shah Rukh was a special goat who was the most handsome amongst all! Besides, Shah Rukh means `face of the emperor`, which is why we chose it,” the director said.
Well we don’t know what to say…this Shah Rukh-bakra eqation really sounds weird…