Ace director ss rajamouli along with 20 others, has watched the blockbuster movie ‘Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyinde’. He praised Nitin, Nitya and the director for their great efforts. Especially, the director was delighted with Nitin’s use of all his strengths for making the movie a blockbuster. He tweeted as, ” About 20 of us went to gundejaari…and all of us enjoyed it. Spl appreciation to nitin for realising his strengths. Not many of us do that.Nitya menon- it is pleasure watching her perform on screen. Great acting.Director vijaykumar did a fab job. congratulations2him&all d team.”
Apart from all other departments, Anup Rubenbs’ music has enthralled the audiences. Having been made as a complete romantic entertainer, the movie has also Isha Talwar with an important role. The movie was produced by Nikitha Reddy and Vikram Gowd on Shresht Movies.