The highly anticipated collaboration between acclaimed director SS Rajamouli and superstar Mahesh Babu is all set to enthral audiences with their upcoming action-packed adventure film, tentatively titled “SSMB29.” With the script meticulously crafted over the course of a year by Rajamouli’s father, KV Vijayendra Prasad, the project promises to deliver an exhilarating cinematic experience.
Taking inspiration from the timeless classic “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” featuring Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford, the narrative will take viewers on a global journey, brimming with action, drama, and emotional depth.
In a recent interview, Vijayendra Prasad, the film’s talented writer, shed light on the exciting details of the project. He revealed that “SSMB29” would seamlessly blend adventure and drama, skillfully keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.
As the script nears its finalization, expected to conclude by the end of July, Prasad unveiled an intriguing aspect: the film’s climax will deliberately remain open-ended, leaving room for the possibility of a sequel in the future.
Sources suggest that filming for “SSMB29” is likely to commence later this year or early next year, following the overwhelming global success of Rajamouli’s previous blockbuster, “RRR.” Meanwhile, Mahesh Babu is currently immersed in his ongoing project, “Guntur Kaaram,” directed by the talented Trivikram, scheduled for release on January 13, 2024.