A Tamil standup comedian chose to make fun of Mahesh Babu in his recent video, which is making the superstar fans angry. Manoj Prabhakar is a not-so-popular standup comedian suddenly got into the news with his unwanted remarks on Mahesh Babu’s acting and expressions.
Manoj in his show hit hard at Mahesh Babu, bringing the disastrous Spyder film into the picture, the first and only Tamil film of him. Manoj called Mahesh Babu as a male version of Katrina Kaif for his expressions and even made fun of his facial expressions compared to rocks in Hyderabad, saying ‘Mahesh Babu Rocks’. He listed down few Telugu films of Mahesh babu like Aagadu, Okkadu and tried to crack jokes on them too.
His words that irked Mahesh Babu fans most are that he mentioned Mahesh Babu fans’ comments on Hollywood actor Tom Cruise’s Facebook wall. Looks like he stirred up a huge storm onto himself and the Superstar fans are burning with fury. Many already started trolling him back with dislikes and cussing comments to his video on YouTube.
Manoj might not have realized that Mahesh Babu enjoys huge stardom and following on par or more with Tamil superstars Vijay and Ajith. Looks like the comedian is going to speak up on this soon again!