Adorable actress Alia Bhatt turned 27 on March 15th. The star actress who is dating Ranbir Kapoor seems to have enjoyed her birthday to the fullest as she uploaded a series on posts how she spent her Bday. In a recent post, Alia did a TikTok video along with Shaheen, Meghna Goyal, and Akanksha Ranjan Kapoor.
The stunning ladies were seen showing a series of symbols to the camera and finally ended it with showing their middle finger. The showcasing of the middle finger was considered offensive in the previous days but globalization turned it into a trend. With a star like Alia Bhatt doing this, it is going to become more popular with the youth following her.
In the meanwhile, Alia is looking hot in the pink deep neck outfit revealing her cleavage and desirable things. She is doing a film with Sanjay Leela Bhansali and ‘Brahmastra’ with Ranbir Kapoor. As we all know, she is playing the female lead in the most prestigious ‘RRR’ directed by Rajamouli.