LB Sriram who is popular with Telugu audience as a writer and comedian, recently is low on offers. The comedian is now starting a new innings by venturing in to production. He has floated ‘Life is Beautiful’ production house on the lines of LB in his name. LB Sriram will be producing short films on this banner.
LB Sriram announced that he will producing short films which stresses on the need of human values. He said that his short films will be acting as bridge between old and young generation. LB Sriram also released a promo of his Life is Beautiful banner explaining his idea behind floating the banner.
LB Sriram’s entry into acting happened with little roles in several films. The actor got the much needed break as an actor in the year 2000 with the movie Chaala Bagundi which was directed by E.V.V. Satyanarayana. After Chala Bagundi, there is no looking back for the comedian. He also impressed with several sentimental roles in many movies.