Tamil star hero Suriya ventured into production with his wife Jyothika’s comeback film 36 Vayadhinile which was an average grosser. When director Pandiraj narrated a children’s movie, impressed Suriya hadn’t just agreed to play a cameo, but also accepted to produce the movie under his 2D Entertainment banner. Pasanga 2, also known as Haiku released today mostly to positive talk.
Suriya himself will be seen in extended cameo along with Amala Paul in the flick. In fact, Pasanga 2 is close to the actor’s heart and he has produced the movie without worrying about the box office fortunes of the flick.
“Director Pandiraj conveys what he wanted in a funny way. He tells how to raise children in today’s world. Its must watch for all parents who have young kids,” opines analysts. Pasanga 2 will shake box office too, owing to positive mouth talk and encouraging reviews.
Pasanga 2 is about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children and revolves around three kids. The movie has generated decent hype through its trailer and audio. Initial reports indicate that, the movie has reached the expectations. Pasanga 2 is dubbed into Telugu and will soon be released here as Memu. With Suriya on board, the movie is expected to perform well in Telugu too.