The daughter of versatile actor Jackie Shroff and sister of actor Tiger Shroff, Krishna Shroff, has done it again. Krishna shared her latest pics on Instagram where she was seen lying on the bed showing her bare back. Going by the black and white pics Krishna shared, it looks like she is topless again.
For the starters, this is second time, Krishna is sharing topless pics of her whilst she had already shared few before which received thunderous response online. Even her father Jackie Shroff then reacted and stated that he completely believe in her daughter and said he has given her ‘liberty’ to do things of her choice.
One is now wondering what papa Jackie would say now as the latest pics too are raunchy like before. But her star brother Tiger chose to remain tight-lipped on his sister’s bold pics.
Meanwhile, Krishna turned into producer by producing a film on the transgender community in November last year, the latest we hear is that she is all set to make her acting debut on silver screen. Perhaps this is what prompting her to go bold.