Though Ranveer Singh is known for experimenting various fashion trends, his looks are mostly eccentric, leaving people confused about his sense of fashion. Ranveer has always been brave enough to try different fabrics like floral, multicoloured pants, bizarre prints and brain-tickling motifs, but, the new look today had the actor in a long red hoodie, which looked quite usual in length.
His hoodie outfit scared a little girl while he was coming nearer to the girl and the video shows her crying out of fear. In spite of many trolls, Ranveer never hesitates to wear such non-so-pleasant looking apparels. The incident today happened outside a dubbing studio in Mumbai where fans of the star were already waiting to have a glimpse of him.
Ranveer in a long red gown like a hoodie, paired with black denim and sunglasses, he looked no less than a monster to the girl, perhaps. While he was moving towards his car, the little munchkin started crying as Ranveer approached her. The entire incident was caught on camera and the video is going viral on the internet.