Entire nation was shocked when producer Shobhu Yarlagadda announced Baahubali budget. As told by the producer the SS Rajamouli magnum opus film was made at a whopping budget of Rs 250 crores, including remuneration of all the cast crew members including Prabhas. However, a Hollywood star has pocketed remuneration as much as Baahubali budget.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens has smashed all the previous box office records and is set to end as one of all time highest grosser. Harrison Ford has been paid a cheque of $34 million. That makes for a whopping Rs 228 crores, which is almost equal to the entire budget of India’s most expensive film ever- Baahubali!
Ford got an upfront $25 million payment and 0.5% share of the film’s gross earnings, which can be an estimated $9 million dollars if the film makes $2 billion at the box office. Ford had got $10,000 for playing Solo in 1977’s Star Wars, which went on to become the highest earner ever after it was released.
Ahead of its India release, which is slated for Christmas Day, ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’, the seventh episode of the ‘Star Wars’ series, grossed $238 million in North America alone in its opening weekend.