VIP protection has gotten more sleek and stylish as the Gujarat police have set an unprecedented record. The state’s police department is all set to give its special patrolling officers nine customized high-end Street-750 Harley Davidson bikes. Each costing 4.32 lakhs, six bikes have already been purchased from a local Harley Davidson dealer.
Gujarat Police’s technical committee has proposed to purchase twenty superbikes, including nice Harley Davidsons. These flashy bikes will be used as the pilots for VIPs during the official summits of Pravas Bharatiya Divas and Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors’ summit, which will be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The Street 750s have a capacity starting from liquid cooled 750 cc to 1000 cc with V-Twin engine capable of 65 Nm torque and can attain 100 kms acceleration in just 6 seconds. Special trainers will be hired to train the policemen to learn using these high-end bikes during the ‘quick response actions’ and also to escort top level dignitaries and senior ministers.