Sai Dharam Tej’s previous films might have failed at the Box Office, but that hasn’t affected the openings of his latest release Chitralahari. Thanks to teaming up with director Kishore Tirumala and the festive season, Chitralahari has got good openings. With the election season ended and summer holidays began, families are visiting cinemas in large numbers and this has become huge advantage for Chitralahari.
Trade is hopeful of a possible break-even by Sunday and enter into profit zone from Monday. It is buzzed that the figures of Day 2 are higher than that of Day 1 and this is an interesting development. The comedy elements of Vennela Kishore in the second half are getting good response from crowds. Despite mixed reviews, overall, the film is said to be delivering content feeling to movie goers.
Sai Dharam Tej is now relieved with the good openings Chitralahari garnered. He is hopeful that the film would end his flop streak. Let’s wait and see.