Amit Shah who is trying to strengthen the party across India and especially in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana visited Andhra Pradesh on Friday. Amit Shah who visited Vijayawada to participate in meeting with BJP state leaders later interacted with the media.
He said strengthening BJP in the state doesn’t mean weakening of its alliance partner TDP. He announced that BJP and TDP will work together for the development of the nation. He assured that Union Government led by BJP will help Andhra Pradesh in all ways.
He added that the Union Government is considering special status to Andhra Pradesh. Speaking to scribes he said ” My aim is to strengthen the party expanding BJP in all states of the country. We invite people who are interested and attracted towards the party’s policies and principles.
Our aim is to get 45 lakhs new members in the party in Andhra Pradesh”. Amit Shah lamented that due to the adamant and arrogant nature of Congress party many developmental activities of Modi Government is not seeing the light. He announced that BJP Govt aim is to make India top nation in the World.