STRI Cinemas is bringing the captivating story of a South Indian icon to the big screen, with the official announcement of the biopic Silk Smitha – Queen of the South. Released on the late actress’s birthday, this film promises to give audiences a deep dive into the life of Vijayalakshmi Vadlapati, famously known as Silk Smitha. Known for her bold and unforgettable presence, Smitha became one of the most beloved yet controversial figures of 1980s South Indian cinema, epitomizing both allure and vulnerability.
Silk Smitha’s journey, filled with both glittering success and heart-wrenching tragedies, is nothing short of cinematic. Starting as a school dropout from the small village of Kovvali, Andhra Pradesh, her rise to stardom was not without its hardships. Initially a supporting actress, Smitha quickly became the face of the Malayalam softcore film genre, with her performances in over 450 films making her one of the most sought-after stars of her time. Yet, her fame came at a cost, with her personal struggles and tragic end still shrouded in mystery, including the possibility of suicide after a tumultuous career.
The biopic will feature Australian actress Chandrika Ravi in the role of Silk Smitha, bringing this icon’s complex story to life. Ravi, known for her role in Iruttu Araiyil Murattu Kuththu, has been selected to portray the bold actress whose life story continues to fascinate and inspire. The film is directed by Jayaram Sankaran and produced by SB. Vijay Amirtharaj, with production slated to begin in early 2025.
In celebration of the announcement, an exclusive teaser video was unveiled, giving a glimpse into Smitha’s journey from fame to criticism, with the actress seen in a blue crop top and black skirt, strolling along a beachside. The video also showcases the impact she had, even sparking conversations among figures like Indira Gandhi, alongside a poignant portrayal of the challenges she faced. With this biopic, we’ll finally get a closer look at the woman behind the legend—and hopefully, learn how she survived the waves of both success and scandal that followed her. If Silk Smitha were here today, she might just be sipping a coconut by the beach, casually reminding us that even legends have their low tides!