Raj Tarun’s bad luck continues to haunt him as he missed out on another potential hit film. He was supposed to play the lead role in Sukumar Writings latest film directed by Kumari 21 F fame Surya Pratap. However, Nikhil has replaced him which was made official yesterday.
Raj Tarun is devastated to know that he is no longer associated with that project. He was hoping that his upcoming film Iddari Lokam Okate will reclaim his market so that this project would take off. But Raj Tarun has to look elsewhere for a break now.
It was sheer bad luck that Raj Tarun missed out on doing Shatamanam Bhavati, Nenu Local and Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada.
He might have become the leading star among tier 2 heroes had he done those films. Raj Tarun believes that he had missed out on another solid hit film.