Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s close aide and family member Joginipally Santosh Kumar has got key post in TRS. Santosh has been appointed as party General Secretary.
Santosh will be the fourth person from KCR family assumed top posts after KTR, Kavitha and Harish Rao. While KTR was already maintaining second in command in the TRS government, Kavitha and Harish were maintaining their own groups in the party.
Interestingly, none of TRS family members KTR, Kavitha and Harish names were not mentioned in the new state committee announced by KCR.
Speculations are doing rounds that Santosh will contest 2019 elections and also play a key role in the party. Santosh has been closely associated with KCR ever since the TRS was floated in 2002. Santosh has been appointed as T News Channel Chief Executive officer. The news channel was owned by KCR family.