According to the latest reports in a survey conducted by an NGO, at least 31 percent college students in the education capital of Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore, have been watching porn clips and violent rape videos on their mobile phones in the classrooms regularly. The porn addicted teenage boys have so far watched close to 2,700 rape videos on their smartphones or other devices.
What’s even more shocking is that close to 50 percent of these teenagers have confessed that they have developed a strong urge to rape, after watching so many rape and other sexually provocative and abusive videos. The NGO’s survey was carried out on 400 students in 100 colleges over six months and it was led by Abishek Clifford, a lecturer from London and CEO of Rescue.
The teenagers go on to reveal that watching porn videos motivates to have premarital sex among 86 percent of the boys, and 45 percent watch child porn or teen porn. The shocking facts only continue to rattle further as nearly 18 percent of these college students visit prostitutes occasionally, after getting aroused on watching such porn clips.
In a deadly repercussion of watching teenage and child sex videos, close to 360 girl students have been kidnapped in and around Coimbatore.