Bichagadu, the film which was released with least expectations and stood as a super hit at the box office is now getting a heavy competition for its remake. The film made huge collections in Tollywood and Kollywood, leaving its producers with high profits. The Telugu version of the film has expanded to several screens across the two Telugu states. Even in Tamil, it was released with the almost similar title “Pichaikkaran” and was a big hit.
As for the latest updates, Sandalwood movie makers brought the “Bichagadu” film remake rights to Kannada and are planning to feature a top hero for the lead role in the film. Interesting news is that Kannada heroes are competing for the lead role in the remake of Bichagadu. While the Sandalwood directors and producers are planning to rope Star hero Sudeep for this remake. Nowadays Sudeep is bagging super hits with remake films in Kannada film industry. Will this success formula of Sudeep works for Bichagadu remake?, Let’s wait and see.