If the support from Mahesh Babu giving out and out statements calling ‘Bhale Manchi Roju’ as a hit is taken as direct support for Sudheer Babu, then the disastrous performances of opposition releases coinciding with the same date of Sudheer Babu is worth to be taken as indirect support.
Yes, ‘Bhale Manchi Roju’ from debutant director Sriram Adittya is flowing smoothly at Box Office after the completion of a even weekend. In fact, the film has got a positive pre release buzz with theatrical trailer is translated into the Box Office output as the early mouth talk and reviews from critics gave it a thumbs up.
Sudheer Babu and his team are now on a success tour planned to cover big towns and cities in Andhra Pradesh. In contrast, ‘Soukhyam’ from Gopichand, ‘Mama Manchu Alludu Kanchu’ from Mohan Babu, Allari Naresh and ‘Jatha Kalise’ from Varahi banner are proven to be failures with below average and disastrous talk spread from the first day.
All this is proving to be a blessing for ‘Bhale Manchi Roju’ which has become the only mandatory option for movie lovers.