One thing that amused everyone about Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayalu trailer is Sudheer Babu’s voice. Someone else dubbed for Sudheer in the trailer that was later confirmed by the actor himself.“For various reasons, which can’t be explained in a tweet, wasn’t been able to dub for my character in #VeeraBhogaVasanthaRayalu. Yeah, THAT IS NOT MY VOICE (sic),” he tweeted.
What are those various reasons that a popular actor like him pulled off from not dubbing for his role?Sudheer has reportedly asked the producers to put his name first in the credits before all other actors to which they had reportedly denied.According to the script, Sri Vishnu played the lead role and Nara Rohith-Sudheer did the supporting roles.
But Sudheer being the most successful and in-form actor among all doesn’t want to be sidelined and demanded to be given due importance.Producers felt that it would belittle the ‘hero’ if they do so and didn’t honor Sudheer’s request.
Sudheer who got hurt by this decided not to dub for his role and the producers had no other option but to go for a voiceover artist.