Tollywood hero Sudheer Babu said that women in Hyderabad BJP MLA Raja’s house should spit on him. The actor has got this much angry after watching a video, which he shared on his Twitter page as well, where Raja was seen making heinous comments against women belonging to film industry.
In the video, Raja was seen indulged in a discussion live on TV. When a journalist asks him whether he supports the comments made by a fellow BJP MP that ‘some women change husbands daily’, the Hyderabad politician replies that he accepts it. Elaborating on the same, Raja allegedly said, “Not outside women, but the women belonging to Telugu film industry change husbands daily”.
Appallingly, the BJP MLA stuck to his derogatory claims even when the journalist asked him doesn’t he feel making scathing remarks against certain women! The discussion was happening over the Padmavati controversy, and the alleged comments made and threats issued by some BJP leaders against Deepika Padukone.
Sudheer Babu might be so disgusted and angry at the BJP leader’s comments against film industry women that he wished women to spit on him. “#RajaSingh shame on you. That’s the image u have about women. Women in your house should spit on you,” he tweeted.
Several netizens have rebuked and trolled Raja Singh for his comments against Tollywood women. For the unknown, Raja Singh is allegedly infamous for making controversial statements on the burning issues.