Sudhir Babu is all set to foray in to Bollywood with a film titled Baaghi starring Tiger Shroff and Shradda Kapoor. In the past few days, there were rumours that the movie is the Hindi remake of Telugu Blockbuster film, Varsham and the actor is playing the role of baddie reprised by Gopichand in Original.
Sudhir Babu took to twitter and clarified the rumours. “Baaghi is not a remake of Varsham. False news” tweeted Sudheer Babu. The film started its shooting part very recently. Sudheer had already started shooting for his scenes involving Tiger. The movie is being produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by Shabbir Khan.
Sudhir Babu’s recent release, Mosagallaku Mosagadu did not do well at the box office and his other movie, Krishnamma Kalipindi Iddarini is awaiting its release on 19th of this month. Sudhir is anxious ahead of the release to make sure he comes in to winning ways with this movie.