One after the other artists and technicians associated with ‘1 Nenokkadine’ are attacking actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu who made comments on the film’s controversial poster that showed heroine Kriti Sanon following Mahesh Babu foot prints like a dog. It was Mahesh Babu who first reacted on her comments saying, “Nothing is wrong in the poster and we did as per song lyrics. I have great respect for women and the poster hurted anyone’s feelings I apologize them.”
In fact, Samantha was original choice for Sukumar’s last project ‘100% Love’, but the starlet kicked out after participating in aditions as the director felt she would not suite for the role and later Tamanna Bhatia was roped in. Many feel this is the major reason for Samantha making comments on the poster.
Samantha is still maintaining mum on the issue and out of Twitter for some time now!