If reports are to be believed Junior NTR wants to kick-start his love story with creative director Sukumar at the earliest. In fact, young tiger and Sukku are supposed to join hands post ‘Rabhasa’, but that got delayed by 6 months due to various problems engulfing the making of Rabhasa. By then, Sukku’s 1-Nenokkadine tanked at box-office making Jr NTR take a backseat about the proposed movie with the creative think-tank. And what happened now?
As ‘Rabhasa’ has bitten dust, NTR has decided to not work on mass-action flicks anymore, but will be taking up family and love stories with a dose of ‘action’ and ‘adrenaline rushing’ sequences. With these thoughts in mind, NTR started liking the story narrated by Sukumar, for which the bound-script is also ready. As Puri Jagan’s project ‘Nenorakam’ is kept on a hold from a while and its progression looking uncertain, NTR is keen to kick-start Sukku’s project in parallel. That way there are plenty of chances for Sukumar to overtake Puri Jagan’s project.