Actor-politician Nandamuri Balakrishna is currently shooting for NTR Kathanayakudu and NTR Mahanayakudu, the two most keenly anticipated biopics on his father, the legendary NT Rama Rao. After NTR biopics, Balayya will be joining hands with Boyapati Srinu.
We have exclusively learnt that the muhurtham ceremony for the Balakrishna and Boyapati Srinu’s film will be held on March 18th next year. The film will be shot throughout the next summer, and will hit screens for the Dussehra festival. Boyapati Srinu is said to be working on a high-voltage action drama keeping Balayya’s mass image in mind.
Boyapati Srinu had given two memorable blockbusters to Balayya with Simha and Legend. Naturally, expectations among Nandamuri fans are quite high on the successful duo’s hat-trick collaboration. We can expect more details about this project sometime early next year.