Sun Network’s COO (Chief Operating Officer) Praveen was held on Friday by Chennai police on the charges of alleged sexual harassment. Chennai Crime Branch police took him into custody following a sexual harassment lodged by ex woman employee. The lady employee held a senior position in the programming section of Surya TV, Malayalam channel of Sun Network. She was transferred to Kerala five months ago after which she quit the job.
According to police, the victim stated that she had been sexually harassed by the accused for two years. She even provided the police substantial evidence including voice and data recordings. Acting on this, cops have booked COO Praveen under Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of Women Act. A detailed probe has been ordered. Both victim and accused Praveen hail from Kerala.
Earlier, a news editor of the same network was arrested on a similar complaint by the channel’s news anchor. The network belongs to Sun Group owned by baron Kalanidhi Maran who is directly related to DMK leader Dayanidhi Maran and DMK chief-former minister Karunanidhi. Meanwhile both brothers Dayanidhi and Kalanidhi are being investigated in 2G Spectrum case.