The highly anticipated third season of the espionage thriller series “The Family Man,” created by the renowned duo Raj and DK, is prepping for production in London. Filming is slated to begin on August 15th, 2024, much to the delight of fans eagerly awaiting the return of this captivating series.
“The Family Man” has garnered immense popularity since its debut, boasting two successful seasons. The series revolves around Manoj Bajpayee’s compelling portrayal of Srikanth Tiwari, a seemingly ordinary man juggling the demands of his covert life as a spy with the challenges of his everyday life. Season two introduced the formidable antagonist played by Samantha Ruth Prabhu, but details regarding her potential return in season three remain under wraps.
This upcoming season promises an exciting expansion of the cast with the inclusion of Telugu actors Sandeep Kishan and Murali Sharma. Notably, Sandeep Kishan, who made an appearance in the first season, is expected to play a more substantial role this time around. Fans are particularly anticipating his renewed chemistry with the established cast, particularly Manoj Bajpayee and Priyamani. The collaborative efforts of Kishan with Raj and DK, known for their successful working relationship with the actor, further heighten the anticipation surrounding his involvement.
Beyond his upcoming role in “The Family Man 3,” Sandeep Kishan is also preparing for the release of his Tamil film “Rayan” on July 26th, 2024. Releasing simultaneously in both Tamil and Telugu, the film highlights Kishan’s acting versatility.
As production for “The Family Man 3” commences, the audience eagerly awaits the continuation of the series’ gripping narrative and the impact Sandeep Kishan’s character will have on the unfolding story.