Some anonymous persons attacked the car of female social activist Sunitha Krishnan in Hyderabad after she started a campaign against rapists. Sunitha Krishnan took on the rapists sharing two videos of five men gang raping a woman and then smiling when she pleaded to let her go on youtube and whatsApp.
Sunitha Krishnan, who runs an NGO named Prajwala in Hyderabad came into the possession of these videos believed to be 6 months old. Sunitha Krishnan started national campaign against these rapists and tried to get them capital punishment.
Sunitha who was one of the rape victim, found her car stoned today morning. She tweeted “If goons think they can intimidate me this way…take a long walk boss,I will report come what may,I will track, I will shame and will report”. Sunitha even gave her email id and asked people to share any atrocities against women and vowed to fight against them.