This she cleared at an event of PETA in Mumbai on Thursday. She said that she is now paying complete attention to Ragini MMS 2 and the PETA advertisement. The movie is being directed by Bhushan Patel and produced by Ekta Kapoor. Giving more information, she added that she has not yet started shooting
for the movie. However, she seems to be quite satisfied and content with whatever has been decided till now for the movie like her introduction and the songs.
Sunny had made her debut in Bollywood with the movie Jism 2 which was a sequel to Jism. Currently she is working in Ragini MMS 2 which is a sequel to Ragini MMS, a horror and thriller movie released in 2011 which was quite successful at the box office.
She also revealed that Ragini MMS 2 promises to be very scary and scare the movie-goers. This should then turn out to be a treat for those movie goers who love movies belong to the genre of horror.