Last year, dusky siren Priyanka Chopra turned heads as she pocketed around 6 crores for a 20 minutes performance at a private corporate event in Chennai. On December 31st night, this hottie danced on stage to a medley her own hit numbers. And now, former adult star, the Bollywood diva Sunny Leone is taking turns.
A noted Hyderabad company has roped in Sunny Leone to entertain their guests on 31st December, 2014. To bid sendoff to this dazzling year and welcome 2015, our Current Theega siren is charging nearly 5 crores, though the event organisers kept mum about the pay check. She will be dancing to a medley of her songs and other hit Hindi item numbers too.
The deal is being discussed from last two months and Sunny okayed it the other day. At a popular convention centre in Jubilee Hills, this dance event is going to take place, making it the costliest night ever for Hyderabadis. Well, we have to see if the entry is just by invitation or common public do get a chance to see Sunny’s curves by booking their seats.