If buzz is to be believed, Sunny Leone is roped in for a sizzling item song for another Telugu film. After her sizzling stint in Current Theega, Sunny is going to shake legs for a hot item song in hero Rajasekhar’s next film Garuda Vega. Talk is that Sunny has agreed to do only after a hefty amount. It’s said that the film’s budget was already overshot and Sunny’s song would cost the makers further.
Considering that Rajasekhar is battling with continuous flops, his market is down at the moment. After Gaddam Gang tanked without a trace, his another film Aham under Teja’s direction was supposed to take off, but that was also shelved.
Under these circumstances, one has to see how much value this Sunny’s song would add to Rajasekhar’s film. Also given that Sunny’s maiden film in Telugu was a disappointment, so sentiment-wise too it’s not a great choice. Already, the film’s title got poor response. Now one has to see how far the film could overcome all the odds.