Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan shakes a leg with India’s first band of transgenders, Brookbond red label 6pack band. Hrithik says he could not stop himself when they asked him to be part of their album ‘Aye Raju’ which speaks a meaningful message about discrimination towards transgenders.
Hrithik says they cannot be rejected just because they are different from us and he joined them to support their fight against discrimination. The band choose its album title ‘aye raju’ for their usage of this word most frequently and the album songs were released on YouTube on Tuesday.
Hrithik claims to be a follower of this band since sometime and appreciates them for their sensible thoughts and entertaining numbers. The star feels happy for being part of this album, calls it a wonderful experience. Stars like Sonu nigam, Janai Bhosle and Arjun Kapoor too gave hits in this band.