Shah Rukh Khan, who is on a promotional spree of his next film ‘Dilwale’, recently lent his support to the victims of the Chennai floods. The Bollywood Badshah has donated a whopping amount of Rs 1 crore to the chief minister’s public relief fund on behalf of Red Chillies Entertainment and team ‘Dilwale’. In the wake of Chennai floods, South Indian actors like Rana Daggubati, Dhanush, Allari Naresh and Siddharth have also come forward to help the flood victims. Offering food, medicines, blankets and other necessary amenities to the victims, the actors from southern film industry have also urged their fans to join the initiative called ‘Mana Madras Kosam’ to help the people hit in floods.
Also, Bollywood celebrities, including Jacqueline Fernandez, Kalki Koechlin, Boman Irani and Abhishek Bachchan, have supported the initiative. With water receding in most parts of the rain-battered city and its suburbs, the focus is now on clearing the various areas of the waste and muck left behind along with rehabilitation of affected people. The unprecedented deluge has caused unforeseen havoc and devastation to property, with flooded houses stinking after the water receded. Waste and sludge are deposited in many places such as the worst-affected Kotturpuram. Train and bus services were slowly returning to normal even as the recently launched Metro Rail continued enjoying good footfall. Airlines also started operating flights from Chennai airport.