Shahid Kapoor’s wife Mira Rajput Kapoor posted a new picture of her doing aerial pilates on her Instagram. Captioning the picture as “Hanging in there”, she is certainly giving us all some major fitness goals.
This 25-year-old needs no special introduction as she has been repeatedly spotted in front of the gym by shutterbugs. Moreover, her appearances at filmy events and award shows with husband Shahid made her pretty popular, especially for her excellent choice of apparels. The latest picture has Mira in her gym outfit, looking all fit and confident while performing aerial pilates.
Being one of the best-dressed star wives in B-town, Mira makes sure to look perfect every single time she steps out of the house. For this, her workout regime is no different from any actress. Mira is a mother of two and in spite of that, finds time to keep herself motivated. In the picture, she tried executing like a pro with a lot of strength.