In a set back to the Telugu Desam Party, Supreme Court has given a ruling against its MLA from Madakasira Assembly constituency in Anantapur district. The Supreme Court has given a ruling in favour of YCP’s Thippeswami, who had contested in 2014 elections against TDP’s Eeranna.
Going into details, Thippeswamy had knocked the doors of High Court of Judicature against MLA Eeranna alleging that Eeranna had misled the Election Commission by not mentioning about his two cases in the Election Affidavit. Thippeswamy said Eeranna has been facing two cases against him in Karnataka and he hadn’t mentioned it in the affidavit along with the nomination papers.
After probing it, the High Court has ordered that Eeranna’s victory is not valid. Since Thippaswamy is the next candidate in the constituency, Thippaswamy is continuing as the MLA.
However, challenging the High Court’s decision, TDP’s Eeranna had moved the Supreme Court. And it has come to the Supreme Court on Wednesday. The SC has struck down Eeranna’s petition. With this, Thippeswamy would continue as the MLA of Madakasira. This is a set back to TDP.