Supreme Mega Hero Sai Dharam Tej’s latest offering, Supreme had registered the actor’s career best openings on its release day. The movie had garnered decent talk and reviews on Day-1 and the makers are confident that that should be enough to drive the audience to theaters.
The movie will be helped by the Summer holidays advantage to a great extent. However the movie has a tough competitor in the form of Suriya’s 24 in A centers and Overseas as it is releasing just a day after Supreme release. So Supreme result will depend on how the targeted mass audience receive the film.
Here is the breakup of Supreme First day Collections:
Nizam: 1.5 Crore
Ceeded: 52 Lakhs
Uttarandhra: 40 Lakhs
East: 24 Lakhs
West: 52.22 Lakhs
Krishna: 23.26 Lakhs
Guntur: 30.16 Lakhs
Nellore: 10 Lakhs
AP+Nizam: 3.81 Crore