The alleged Film Nagar land issue took a big turn with the father-son from a big film family attracting summons from the court. The Court served notice to them in the issue. The Nampally court served notices to the father-son duo after a person moved the court alleging that he was threatened by them.
As per the media reports, one Pramod Kumar who is said to be a merchant is facing problems from Daggubati Suresh Babu and Rana Daggubati for some time. The father-son duo reportedly vacated him from the land with the help of Rowdies. They even threatened him
As per the media reports, one Pramod Kumar who is said to be a merchant is facing problems from Daggubati Suresh Babu and Rana Daggubati for some time. The father-son duo reportedly vacated him from the land with the help of Rowdies. They even threatened him to leave the place or he will have to face the consequences.
The person is believed to have approached the Banjara Hills Police earlier. However, they did not respond to the complaint. This made the victim move the court. As a response, the Nampally Court served notice to Suresh Babu, Rana Daggubati, and a few others to appear before the court.
The alleged issue is around the land in Film Nagar that is spread across over 1000 yards. The controversy has been going on for some time. Suresh Babu and the victim reportedly made an agreement on the land. But Pramod Kumar, a resident of Banjara Hills alleged that Suresh Babu is not following the contract rules and the land is not registered.
The details in the case are as follows, Suresh Babu bought land of 1007 yards in Plot no 2 in Film Nagar Road No 1. 1000 yards in the adjacent land which belongs to Venkatesh was given to Pramod on a lease in 2014. Pramod and others made a sale deed for the land as the lease was ending in 2018. He reportedly gave an advance of Rs 5 crores to Suresh Babu. A few cases were filed in this regard. Even before the land dispute was settled Suresh Bbau reportedly sold the land to Rana. Few people came to the land and vacated the security from there.