Suriya’s craze has hit the nadir in Telugu states. With his good looks and great acting skills, he enjoyed a cult fan following in Telugu states till a couple of years ago but now it has completely gone. “Bandobast” which released last week had turned out to be a complete disaster.
The film’s first-week share is mere Rs 1.75 Cr. “Bandobast” was given a huge number of screens in Telugu states but the share has not even crossed Rs 2 Cr in seven days. This is a shameful amount. It is like Nagarjuna’s “Officer”. Such a low collection.
Even his previous dud “NGK” had collected a lot better. The box-office performance of “Bandobast” proves the fact that Suriya has completely lost his market in Telugu with his wrong choice of films.
He is not picking up the scripts that would appeal to all sections of audiences. He seems to be in total confusion about the selection of stories. It is high time he should hire creative consultants.