Tamil Star Hero Suriya’s latest film, Pasanga-2 released in Tamil Nadu in December – 2015. The movie was dubbed in to Telugu as Memu but did not release since then. The makers have announced several release dates but did not adhere to them. Now they have announced that the movie will for sure release on July 1st.
Suriya plays a vital role in the film which is the sequel to the super hit children’s film Pasanga. Suriya and Amala Paul are seen in roles which are like extended cameos in the movie. Tollywood producer Joolakanti Madhusudhan Reddy has acquired the Telugu rights of this movie which was directed by Pandiraj.
Pandiraj is the one who previously directed Pasanga and Marina. Memu is all about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children and it revolves around three kids. Bindu Madhavi, Karthik Kumar, Abhiman, Kavin and Nayana forms the other cast of the film. Arrol Corelli has composed music for this film.