In a surprise of surprises, Telangana Chief Minister KCR has for the first time given appointment to the opposition. When the Congress sought an appointment with the CM on Friday, it was immediately accepted. This has clearly thrown the Congress off gear. A Congress delegation comprising Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, Duddilla Sridhar Babu, Turpu Jagga Reddy and Komatireddy Rajagopal Reddy, rushed to Pragathi Bhavan to meet the CM.
The Congress had sought an appointment with KCR to submit a memorandum on the recent custodial death of Ambadipudi Mariyamma in Addaguduru police station in Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district. The Congress leaders met the DGP on Thursday and the Governor on Friday morning. They also sought an appointment with KCR, in the hope that KCR would not give an appointment. But KCR surprised them and gave them an appointment immediately.
KCR, who is facing criticism of being autocratic and anti-Dalit and anti-BC, decided to beat them in their own game. Also the High Court has already ordered a judicial probe into the Mariyamma’s death. A sub-inspector and two constables were already suspended in connection with the incident. Given this situation, he decided to give an appointment.
KCR has never given an appointment to the Opposition Congress so far. The last time the Congress has sought an appointment was when Dalits were attacked in Nereducharla village in Karimnagar district. Earlier, he had given an appointment to the five BJP MLAs ahead of 2018 elections. Even MIM leader Owaisi too had met CM on a couple of occasions. The Congress was never given any appointment so far. On several occasions, the Congress leaders had met the Governor to complain against the chief minister.